Episode 7: Sickle Cell Anemia
Rach R Rach R

Episode 7: Sickle Cell Anemia

This episode is near and dear to my heart: special guest, Mrs. Andrea Armstead, co-founder of the Armstead-Barnhill Foundation. Our discussion covers a mother's pursuit of a cure for her daughter. This episode aims to bring awareness to our communities on the life-threatening effect of Sickle Cell Disease and to join in the fight for a cure.

The Amrstead-Barnhill Foundation has supported researchers for the past 30 years. Because SCD patients in clinical trials, may be out of work for a substantial amount of time, this foundation also supports those patients with funds for housing, childcare, and other monthly expenses.

Join in the cause for a cure by donating here: https://donorbox.org/sickle-cell-awareness-month

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